Saturday, December 24, 2005

X-Mas overload

Okay so I've been having what one might call a busy day.

One, I actually had to work today, though it was at least from home. Generated a briefing for AS400 operators, and another for project managers, about the basics of encryption and certificate management.

Yeah, I know...

Then it was on to the final grocery shopping, and wrapping.

Lots and lots of wrapping.

More wrapping.

Oh and did I mention the wrapping?

At least I woke up next to my love, and was able to laze some of the morning with he while I wrote.

Also my friend Ben got back from China, and the final gifts I ordered from Amazon arived (at 7 oclock this evening).

So all is in readiness for the holiday feast, which will include the following:

"Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 10 - It's the MEAT Stupid"

"Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 11 - Bacon Double Macaroni and Cheese"

Jim, John, Ben, and Mel and the Kids will be over for the "friends" celebration, and then we head to Mels parents on christmas day for the "family" celebration.

The kids of course get to open ONE of the presents WE bought them, plus the presents Jim, Ben, and John got them; then they get the absolute ORGY of presents the next day at Gramma and Grampas place (which is in the middle of frikken no-where rural arizona. A truly joyful 80 mile car ride through twisty roads and large elevation changes... truly joyful that is, unless you have two unhappy chidrens in the back seat...

Honestly, I love this shit.

Oh and I've been soothing my wrapping pains through the joy that is Penn and Tellers "Bullshit". Nothing says lovin like an acerbic six foot six magician and his semi-mute partner deconstructing assholes on DVD.

UPDATE: As I post this picutre of my tree and the presentage abased before it, it is 0523...

And I'm not done!..

I just couldn't wrap any more damn presents. Mel honey, you're gonna have to finish. I wrapped all the stuff we're opening today, plus those 30lb bigass boxes (the whole load contains, among other things, appx 30lbs of clay, 40lbs of cast iron, 50bs of wood, 20lbs of aluminum, and well over 100lbs worth of paper); the rest is up to you.