Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yes, sometimes they actually do break

I got this comment on an old post today:

Well first, please find the caps lock key, and shut it off.

Thank you.

Second, WEAR A DAMN HAT. Seriously.

There's a reason why almost every shooter wears a hat while shooting; and it's not just because of the sun. I don't like hats, the only times I wear them are out in the weather (100 degree sun is a weather condition), on formal occasions that require it, and when I'm shooting; and you can damn well bet I always wear one while I'm shooting, even indoors. The first time you have a hot casing hit you in the head and then slide between your glasses and your eyeball, you'll understand.

Third, if your empties are hitting you in your face; and presuming you are holding the pistol properly (gangsta style is not holding the pistol properly) , and the pistol is otherwise functioning properly; then your ejector is probably bent at a funny angle, or broken.

Yes, they do actually break sometimes. I know it's a Glock, and thus blessed with perfection, indestructibility, and a aura of tactical invincibility by holy Saint Gaston; but really, they do break, just like any other gun.

It could also be that your extractor has lost tension, or the extractor claw is damaged; but those are unlikely causes; it probably is the ejector.

The ejector is the little triangular pokey bit that stick out the front of the breechface (between the side wall of the slide, and the firing pin) when the slide is locked back. They don't break too often, but it's not uncommon for them to bend; especially if you shoot very hot ammo, shoot steel cased ammo, or allow your recoil springs to wear too much before replacing them.

The piece gets work hardened over the course of many thousands of rounds; so if it's bent, it will eventually break from metal fatigue. This also means you can't bend it back, or it will just break anyway.

As far as Glock breakages go, this one is actually the most common bit to actually BREAK rather than just wear out. Thankfully, being a Glock, it's easy to fix the problem.

The ejector is permanently attached to the rear action block. It takes 15 minutes to pull the old block out, pull all the parts off it, and replace it with a new one. A new one costs about $8 online; and I recommend buying from Glockmeister.

If you have no idea how to do what I just said, then go to a Glock certified armorer and have him do it. Almost every major gun shop or indoor firing range will have a Glock armorer around somewhere; there's a lot of them. He'll probably charge you $20 and do it while you're waiting, it's that easy.

Excuse me for being sexist. I know there ARE female certified Glock armorers; I just don't know any personally.

If you break your gun based on what I said; you are an idiot... but it's a Glock, so it's almost certainly fixable, and probably cheap to do so.