Thursday, November 29, 2007

Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 24 - Goodbye Ruby Tuesday's Strawberry Shortcake

A few months back, we posted a biscuit recipe, and an ice cream recipe. We had intended to post this recipe back then, but it somehow fell through the cracks in the bit bucket.

Anyway, here's the payoff.

The Ruby Tuesdays restaurant chain has some half decent food; but what they are most famous for, are their strawberry tallcakes.

Their tallcake is pretty simple; it's just ice cream, and strawberries, on a pound cake base. Well, I think we can do one better than that.

So for all of you women (and men) who want to make your loved ones grovel at your feet, here are the directions for your own strawberry shortcake.

Macerated Strawberries


1/2 cup water
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tbsp vanilla
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup finely chopped or minced strawberries
1 cup sliced strawberries

Pour the wet and dry ingredients minus the fruit, into a tupperware container big enough to hold the mixture and all the strawberries. Seal the container, and shake until ingredients are well combined, then add the strawberries. Re-seal the container refrigerate for at least six hours, and up to a week.


Well, your first step is to make the sweet biscuits, and cheese cake ice cream from these linked recipes for real women:

Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 21 - Forget About the Dough Boy
Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 22 - Full Fat, Full Dairy, All Killer, No Filler

Take one Sweet Dessert Biscuit, made as wide as will fit in the bottom of your favorite ice cream bowl. Split it in half; place one half on the bottom of the bowl and set the other aside.

Drizzle a little but of the maceration liquid over the biscuit, and some of the strawberrys (not too much, you don't want to make it soggy.. yet) then cover it liberally with Cream Cheese Ice Cream.

Next, COMPLETELY cover the whole thing with macerated strawberries; and whipped cream. The idea here is that first everything should be pink and fruity with the strawberrys; then everything should be white and creamy with the whipped cream.

Cap it all off by placing other half of the biscuit on top, with a dollop of whipped cream, and a single slice of macerated strawberry.

If your family aren't kissing your feet by the time you're done with this, they have no tastebuds.

And be sure to check out:

Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 23 - Some like it hot
Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 22 - Full Fat, Full Dairy, All Killer, No Filler
Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 21 - Forget About the Dough Boy
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 20 - QDCBS (Quick and Dirty Chili Bean Stew)
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 19 - Chicken Salmonella
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 18 - I'll give YOU a good stuffing turkey (1)
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 17 - REAL Coffee
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 16 - DTG (Damn That's Good) dip
Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 15 - More Chocolate Than Cookie
Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 14 - Millions of Peaches
Recipes for REAL Women, Volume 13 - Mels 10,000 Calorie Butter Cookies
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 12 - Lard Ass Wings
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 11 - Bacon Double Macaroni and Cheese
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 10 - It's the meat stupid
Recipes for REAL Men, Volume 9 - Labor Day Potatos
Recipes for REAL men, Volume 8 - It's a pork fat thing
Recipes for REAL men, Volume 7 - It may not be Kosher...
Recipes for REAL men, Volume 6 - Andouille Guiness Chili Recipes for REAL men, Volume 5 - Eazza the Ultimate Pizza
Recipes for REAL men, Volume 4 - Two Pound Meat Sauce
Recipes for REAL men, Volume 3 - Highbrow Hash
Recipes for REAL men, Volume 2 - MuscleCarbonara
Recipes for REAL men, Volume 1 - More Beef than Stew