Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blogdinner in northeastern Massachusetts

Mel and I, JayG and hopefully a half dozen others (lots of interest so far not a lot of confirmations) will be having a blogdinner meetup in northeastern Mass, this Saturday, around 7pm til whenever.

I'm leaving the restaurant pick up to JayG since I haven't eaten at a restaurant north of Boston and south of Nashua in 13 years. He should have a pick for us later today, and I'll update the post then.

UPDATE: The dinner will be at Angela's Coal Fired Pizza in Saugus, MA.

Theres another dinner on Sunday for Ambulance Driver. Unfortunately we're flying out at 6pm so we won't be able to make it to that one, thus a second dinner on Saturday.

If you're going to be in the region and want to drop by, let either me or JayG know via email or comment.