Tuesday, December 29, 2020

My personal best (and not so best) games of 2020(ish)

Might as well do a listicle... My best (or other than best) games of the year, by category...

AAA single player: "Cyberpunk 2077"... I really don't have any gamebreaking bugs or performance problems making it unplayable, and it's otherwise the best single player game I have played, at least since New Vegas, maybe even better than that.

Close runner up: "Final Fantasy 7 Remake"... Its honestly much better than the original, both game play and story and (it follows the same basic storyline but has 100 times the depth and detail...  and given the original is one of the greatest games of its genre, that's saying something. And its jaw droppingly gorgeous at certain moments.

And for additional... Flavor, as it were... "Game I wanted to love, and it was good enough that I still really liked it, but it has too many issues to actually make a "best of" list": that goes to "Control". Yeah it's not a 2020 release, but the "ultimate edition" went on super sale in 2020... and while its worth buying on sale, and worth playing... it was just a little more work, a little more polish on both crunch and fluff... away from actually being a great game. 

Indie single player: "Hades", no doubt. Love the aesthetics, love the game play, love the humor, absolutely brilliant game. No other indy game even came close this year... Though there were definitely a bunch of great indies this year ("Kentucky Route Zero" FINALLY finished releasing its last episodes this year, and it's a very interesting experience... not much like any other game you would think of off hand, but certainly worth experiencing... and I've heard very good things about "Cloudpunk" for example). 

AAA multi-player: Also easy, "Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War". Without question the best  Call of Duty... or for that matter CODlike game... Oh... at least a decade or so. Though it is absolutely KILLER on your system resources. Getting playable framers on a 1070 in 1080p was difficult, never mind anything better. That said, its a VERY good looking game when you turn the settings up. 

Indie(ish) multi-player: For the... third year in a row now I think? It's "Warframe". They've completely overhauled the game over the last three years, even to the point of writing a new engine and new textures and shades, and of course major new content, for free, 4 times a year, with minor new content every 40 to 60 days.

Best mobile game: Well... that's kinda complicated and difficult at the moment... Hmm... Do you count Hades, which is on mobile platforms too (just the Switch for now, but likely it will be ports to iDevices soon, an android eventually), but is better on PC or heavier weight console? Do you count three of the best PC or Console games from decades ago...KOTOR and KOTOR-2, and "Castlevania Symphony of the Night"... which also released native mobile versions recently? 

...Maybe... "Sky" Children of the Light"? Its gorgeous, it's fun, its got a unique aesthetic and viewpoint... Well worth getting. I haven't played "AnimA" yet but I've heard its really great. Same for "Battle Chasers: Night War".... Both are installed and waiting to play. 

Worst mobile game AND worst game  that I actually paid money for: "Elder Scrolls Blades"... its a switch and mobile game... and its been in Beta and early access for like 3 years, and yet there's very little content, and whats there is shallow and repetitive. Also MICROTRANSACTIONS!!!!!... I bought enough of the in game resources to try to make the game more enjoyable... But there's just not enough content or game play no matter what. 

Biggest AAA (ish) disappointment: "Star Wars Squadrons"... It was... Just OK. Good even... But it had iffy controls, and just... not enough game. Both too short, and too shallow, with only OK game play. That said, you can often pick it up for $20 on sale, and it's worth the $20... Just not the original $40 release price. 

Biggest indie(ish) disappointment: that Vampire the masquerade Bloodlines 2 was delayed repeatedly... and now may not even come out in 2021 even. We'll see.