Saturday, May 02, 2020

The actual Covid-19 death data says... Yep, it's a sociopolitics driven fraud

Once you understand the full scope of the fraud that has been perpetrated on the american people surrounding Covid-19 deaths, death rates, infection rates, and everything else... you're going to be very angry, and rightly so.

Remember the initial death estimates of 2 million... or even the revised estimates of 2,000,000? Yeah... turns out, not so much. Even projecting current trends out to august.. the date for those original 2 million death projections... Looks like its' going to be AT WORST, 1/20th of that.

The ACTUAL reported deaths, from the CDC as of May 1st?

... It's not 68,000 as widely reported... it's actually a little more than HALF that, at 37,000.

The actual number of deaths per day peak? It's not 2,500 to 2,800 as widely reported, but about 1,700... and that was just one bad week, it went down to 1,500 the next week, and is now down to 450.

Oh and about 1/3 of all the deaths are just in NYC by itself... about half if you include the NYC metro area. This has been a genuine crisis for the New York metro area, and for a couple of other densely populated cities... and yes, really... essentially a really bad flu season everywhere else.

This is not to say that the disease and its direct impacts aren't serious... but we've now put 30 million people out of work for... if you're charitable, an "overabundance of caution"... If you're more cynical, for a very deliberate sociopolitical fraud by mostly the left, but also authoritarians of all stripes... Who see this as an opportunity to push their own political agendas and goals.

Data directly from the CDC: