Thursday, January 25, 2024

THE OPPOSITE of conservative...

"Look at how many conservatives LOVE Donald Trump"

Conservatives? None. 

Reactionary right populists (and faux-populists) who call themselves conservatives? Oh, a great many of those. 

Actual conservatives who have convinced themselves that the people above are enough that Trump will win, and they should help? 

...A few... None of them LOVE him... in fact they hate him... but a few are giving their support tactically. 

Actual conservatives who have convinced themselves that there is no chance of winning anyway, and Donald Trump will "destroy the establishment", so that a "real conservative" can win "next time"?

... A few of those too... they hate him too, and are giving their support strategically... and in this they are neither thinking nor acting as conservatives. In fact, they are by definition acting as radicals. 

... And then there's those that just want to see it all burn... Who again, are by definition radicals...

But it's mostly the reactionary right wing populists...

The angry, the stupid, those who want a strongman, and those who want to be lied to in that particular way?

Lots and lots of them...

And most of them think they're actually "conservatives", and they'll call themselves "conservatives"... unfortunately, they're anything but.

And they'll even say so if you ask them...

... Of course... they don't generally understand that's what they're saying. 

They'll tell you that he's conservative... and that they're conservative... because he is radically different from "the establishment".

That would make them radical reactionaries, not conservatives.

They'll tell you that he, and they, are conservatives because he pisses off "the establishment"... and that he pisses off just about everyone else too just "proves they're right". 

Which, again, makes them reactionaries not conservatives.

They'll tell you he, and they, are conservatives because he's telling it the way it is, listening to the people, and expressing their anger and frustration...

Which explicitly makes them populists... not conservatives.

Radicalism, is the opposite of conservatism.

Reactionism, is the opposite of conservatism.

Populism, is the opposite of conservatism.

But somehow... they don't see that.