The Random Mumblings of a Disgruntled Muscular Minarchist
Igitur qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Double Facepalm is Insufficient
Just found out that the wife, in a moment of technical idiocy (she's usually good at this sort of thing) negligently wiped out my primary windows PC...
But wait, it gets better...
She not only wiped the primary hard drive, she wiped the secondary hard drive as well, which is where the online backups for... oh about 15 years worth of data... were stored.
But wait, there's even more...
...and all the drives the machine was attached to directly... which includes all our other online files, all the other online backups etc...
In one moment, 15 years of data wiped out completely, including the backups...
The only thing left is the media server files (4tb of music and movies); and the offline backups, which are, in some cases, years out of date; since we went to a multiple online backup system a few years ago (when our backups got too big for our offline capability)...
...And they don't include ANY of the files for the last 3 years or so. Including critical financial and legal data.
Oh, there are some files left on the originating PC's, and some in "the cloud", but for the most part, the "current" files, and recent backups... and the backups of the backups... are gone.
3 copies... all gone... because she selected the wrong options on a "factory reset and restore" procedure.
...And she didn't tell me...
...For almost six weeks...