I've been telling people a long time, that the only thing most locks do is keep honest people honest.
Now... I don't want anyone to think I'm against this service, I think it's great... but...
Pretty much ends any illusion you might have about your locks being secure.
Why? What is Shloosl?
It's a service that copies your keys, from a photograph.
Or rather, two photographs.
Just take a reasonably high res pic of both side of a key, send it to them, and a few days later you get a copy of your key.
... or anyone elses key.
Of course, this has always been a risk, it was just harder to clandestinely copy keys before.
Now... were I an idiot, or a politician (but I repeat myself), I would call for a ban on this "dangerous technology" etc... etc...
I'm not an idiot... and I don't believe in banning things in favor of faux security.
But at this point, you have to understand, any security depending on a key, can be compromised if your key is out of your direct control in any location, for any length of time.