A conversation overheard in my household:
Mel: You know what post you haven't written...
Chris: Hmm?
Mel: It's one of those "gonna piss people off posts"... about {insert "controversial" topic here}
Chris: Ahh... yeah... that...
Mel: Oh? That?
Chris: ... Frankly... I don't want to deal with those fucktards.
Mel: Hah!
Chris: Seriously... there is only so much fucktardery I can deal in any given time period. Those fucktards will exceed my fucktardery limit in about 12 microseconds... I just can't handle that much concentrated fucktardery...
Mel: Hah! Coward!
Chris: No... not cowardice... a reasonable stance to protect my sanity... and my blood pressure... and my faith in humanity...