Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Refresher Course in History and Moral Philosophy

I was reminded of something today, which caused me to think very hard about an important experience in my life...

And I realized something...

Though I've only read it fully twice, and haven't read Robert Heinleins "Starship Troopers" in a hell of a long time; there are still to this day, entire passages that I can quite word for word from the book (and many others that I remember nearly word for word).


I had to think very hard about when the last time I read the book was. Thinking back, I realized that it was while I was in college, more than 15 years ago.
note: in my mind it's not "more than 15" it's "almost 20 years ago", but my wife says "Saying 'almost 20 years' makes you sound old... You aren't all THAT old"....

Actually I think either 16 or 17 years I don't remember the exact date, just where I was living and who I was living with at the time... which narrows it down sometimes between late '93 and early '95.
Of course, the fact that 1993 qualifies as "almost 20 years ago" induces a certain cognitive dissonance all by itself. 
I've read and re-read many Heinlein classics since then of course (most recently re-reading "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" and  "Time Enough for Love", late last year and early this year); but for some reason I haven't read "Starship Troopers" or "Strange in a Strange Land", in almost 20 years.

 At any rate, time to correct that. I've got the complete works of Heinlein as ebooks, I'll start re-reading it tonight... It's pretty short I'll probably be through it by tomorrow. Maybe I'll re-read "The Sixth Column" another of my Heinlein favs (And a short one) that I havent read in years (though more recently than "Troopers"... I think I re-read it about 7 years ago, around the time I moved back to the U.S. from Ireland.)