just about 2130 local... and I've just sat down from about 12 hours now of continuously running around and or actively "doing something" not actually at a computer or in front of a screen...
...much of it actual walking around...
These are "Good Things"tm.
First time in a long time when that was happening, outside of the context of actual travelling across the country.
Getting borderline heatstroked and dehydrated while doing it because it was 93 at 90% humidity and I didn't eat or drink enough today... not such a great thing.
Quantity of necessary and useful stuff which got done today... very high... also a very good thing.
Having an adorable 3 year old girls birthday party at the end of it all... A wonderful thing.
Having a few hours of paperwork to do on a new project now before I collapse... maybe not so great. I might do it in the morning.
My joint pain was actually pretty OK most of the day... the meds overall are working a lot better now with the better thyroid medication... If I can be this mobile tomorrow as well... that would REALLY be fantastic.
Honestly... today I have felt physically better than I have felt since 2010 or so... maybe better than that. My pain has been lower, my energy and focus higher... And I'm still recovering, and we've still got a lot of medication adjusting to work with... so hopefully things are really going to continue improving.