Monday, December 12, 2022

Faux insurrection, feigned outrage, and politics as usual

I am so damn tired of the left lying and pretending that the events of January 6th 2021 were an "Insurrection"... They weren't.... Nothing like it in fact. And most of the people calling it such absolutely do know better, and know they are lying, for political propaganda purposes. 

There ACTUALLY WAS an insurrection in Washington a few months earlier, just not Washington D.C. 

On june 8th of 2020, several organized groups from the far left, and other "social justice" activists, joined together to take over a large section of Seattle's capitol Hill by force. They ejected whatever elements of legitimate authority hadn't voluntarily evacuated the area, barricaded it against that lawful authority, usurped that authority with armed threats of violence, declared themselves to be a new government, of a new independent sovereign entity, separate from the city of Seattle, state of Washington, and the United States itself... And then proceeded to attempt to conduct themselves as such... Included armed parrola "policing" the area and defending the barricades... for the next few weeks, before giving up July 1st.

... And the city, county, and state governments just.. let them... Mostly without resistance or consequences... 

What happened January 6th 2021, was a political protest, that devolved into a riot; much like a few dozen other similar events that leftist mobs had been conducting in various cities around the country for the previous two years.

Whatever else you can say about it, it just was not an insurrection, in any way... Among many other reasons why not, two really stand out though:

1. If there had been an organized attempt at a "far right insurrection" it wouldn't have been a few hundred, mostly unarmed (other than a few hand guns) angry dumbasses randomly and chaotically pushing, shoving, shouting, and throwing things. It would have been  organized groups of several thousand trained men, each one having a rifle and ammunition, and knowing how to use it. 

... AND...

2. It would have succeeded... At least in the short term. 

Pretending otherwise is just pure political propaganda.