Monday, April 30, 2012

The new job, one week in

So far, so good.

As has always been my general policy, I won't be specifically identifying my employer, client, or co-workers.

The job is potentially very interesting. The job is also potentially very politically complicated. Thats never a good thing, but it's not exactly an uncommon thing either.

On the interesting side, there has never really been a standard security operations practice within the client.

On the difficult side, there has never really been a standard security operations practice within the client.

'Til now, security operations has primarily been concerned with authentication management, change control, and dealing with alerts from virus scan etc...

We're hoping to build up a full and robust security operations group; including risk identification and analysis, operational risk elements in project development and delivery, a full incident response practice including investigations and forensics, tools enhancement... and a hell of a lot of other fairly fundamental security operations functions.

Without rocking too many boats, spending too much money, irritating the wrong people, spending too much money...


At the moment I'm pretty much in current state analysis, and gap analysis mode; and I probably will be for several months.

From a purely personal perspective, yeah, the commute is a pain in the ass. I'm making it in a pretty consistent one hour fifteen +-3min, in mostly light traffic (rarely below the speed limit except through the lights in Coeur D'Alene and the last mile off the highway in Spokane) and averaging just under 26mpg.

So, for a full five day week that's 12.5 hours in the car, 750 miles, for about 30 gallons of gas, or about $120 these days.

Yeah... that sucks.

In a few weeks I'm probably going to go to a 4 days onsite one day at home schedule, which will help. I'm also hoping to be able to commute on the bike at least one day a week, maybe two; and it gets about double the mileage of the car. Maybe cut the total time and mileage down to under 10 hours (I figure I can make a bit better time on the bike... though not much) and 600... and the gas spend down from $120 to around $85

Meanwhile, I'm going through audiobooks at a prodigious rate.

Call me... cautiously optimistic and conditionally hopeful at this point.