Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Surgical consult is March 3rd

Then it all snowballs from there.

Thankfully electric is paid (thank you!) but it's almost the 1st and I need to pay the health insurance for Chris, and rent, and internet, and all of that good stuff.

... Plus meet the deductible and out of pocket max before surgery. Which since we're on the cancellation list for everything, could be anywhere from 2 months from now to next week, if the consult is moved closer.

Plus costs for getting over radiation, etc.

Right now though, we need to focus on getting bills paid and eating.

... And I really hate having to keep doing this.

If you feel moved to help, I've still got the GoFundMe me up and running, PayPal to chris@chrisbyrne.com always works, Messenger Payments is a thing, Google Wallet is a thing (melody.byrne@gmail.com).

Thanks all,
