Saturday, February 25, 2006

Life is a carnival

Carnival of Cordite #49 is up over at the GullyBorgs site, and I've got I think four entires in for this one.

Honestly folks this is one great carnival. I'm impressed by both the quality and the qantity of posts this week.

Next week the carnival will be posted right here at The AnarchAngel, and cross posted to the new site . I'm hoping that by then I'll have the templates fixed, and make that the changeover for original contecnt to move to MuNuvia.

Now, how to get your posts in...

Submit your posts by trackbacking to this post, sending them to or submitting them through the carnival submission form at conservative cat.

Entries will be due in by Friday at 2am eastern (midnight for me).

Oh and you might have noticed, this one is CoC 50, so lets see if we can do somethign special. I'd like to make this the .50 cal special edition, but honestly I don't think we can get enough posts that way.

That said, I'mna encourage all you REAL big bore enthusiasts to write something up for this week.

So submit early, submit often.