Thursday, December 08, 2005

How anal am I?

Your IQ Is 140

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Genius

So I was pretty sure I got every question right, but for some reason I got a "below average" on logical intelligence.

I was irritated by that, so I went back and tried out every single answer for every single question to see all the various possibilities. I was in fact correct, I got every question right; but it seems that you cannot score more than 140, and as far as I can tell it always says you are below average at logic unless you score perfect on the logic questions, and get other non logic questions wrong.

Argh, poor test construction, argh.

Oh and the last real I.Q. test I took I got a synthetic I.Q. of 186 (which is a combination of your various aptitudes, and the speeds at which you answered things etc...). I've seen various scores between a bit over 150 to over 200 depending on the test, the tester, my age, etc...