Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Lord I love my friends... I'm sure I'll stop laughing eventually:

DFWMTX: A choice between Jillary Clinton and John McCain might make people take Christopher Walken 2008 or Cthullu for President more seriously. And Satan is still sticking with his slogan for 2008, “Why vote for the LESSER of two evils?”

Kim du Toit: Silly me... I always thought Hillary Clinton was Cthulhu.
DFWMTX: Please don't slander the good name of Cthulhu by associating it with Hillary Clinton. At least I know Cthulhu's position on whether it wants to eat my soul or not (it does) and it's position doesn't change to garner votes from either side of the spectrum.

If that aint worth a fibblesnork, what is?