Monday, January 05, 2009

The Internet Ate My Brain

So last week I stumbled across googles interview archive on youtube. Lemme 'splain...

So since 2005, Google has hosted about 600 authors, writers, film makers, musicians, and chefs; for one hour talks, lectures, or interviews.

Predictably, it being Google, there's some pretty hard lefty folks up there; but also predictably for Google, there are a bunch of cool SF authors up there, as well as internet culture commentators, humorists etc...

Coincidentally, I've been going through an extended period of severe insomnia; averaging about two hours of sleep a night since a couple day before Christmas.

Predictably, me being me, since I found the full archive I've been watching them one after another. Of course me being me, I'm still reading my 100+ web sites per day, and I've been reading adventure and SF novels with the interviews as background noise.

Yeah, I believe in information overload.

Actually, the one good thing about insomnia, is that it lets me catch up on reading. My current "to read" pile is up over 200 books; and since the day before Christmas, I've managed to reduce that pile by 13 books... Of course also in that time I've received 9 more...

It never ends.

So I thought I'd post up a list of the ones I dig, that way you don't need to dig through all 600 videos. Oh, and some UNC chapel hill interviews are mixed in there, just because they're good.

Here's one of the funniest ones, from the writer of "Stuff White People Like":

and a great one from Neil Gaiman:

Google Interviews:

YouTube - AtGoogleTalks's Channel
YouTube - Authors@Google: Neil Gaiman
YouTube - Authors@Google: Neal Stephenson
YouTube - Authors@Google: Charles Stross
YouTube - Authors@Google: Cory Doctorow
YouTube - Authors@Google: Cory Doctorow
YouTube - Cory Doctorow: Pwned: How Copyright turns us all into IP ser
YouTube - Authors@Google: Randall Munroe
YouTube - Authors@Google: Christian Lander, "Stuff White People Like"
YouTube - Authors@Google: Marco Pierre White
YouTube - Authors@Google: Anthony Bourdain
YouTube - Authors@Google: Mario Batali
YouTube - Authors@Google: James Randi
YouTube - Authors@Google: Steve Wozniak
YouTube - Authors@Google: Stan Lee
YouTube - Authors@Google: Daniel Wilson & Anna Long
YouTube - Authors@Google: Greg Bear
YouTube - Authors@Google: Kyle Cassidy
YouTube - Authors@google: Gary Vaynerchuk
YouTube - Authors@ Google: Joe Haldeman
YouTube - Authors@Google: Bjorn Lomborg
YouTube - Authors@Google: Douglas Engelbart
YouTube - Authors@Google: Steven Levy
YouTube - Authors@Google: Lawrence Lessig
YouTube - Authors@Google: Masaharu Morimoto
YouTube - Authors@Google: Michael Carroll
YouTube - Authors@Google: Robert Frank
YouTube - Authors@Google: James Watson
YouTube - Authors@Google: Jeffrey Kluger
YouTube - Authors@Google: David Michaels
YouTube - Authors@Google: Alex Roy
YouTube - Authors@Google - Chris Anderson
YouTube - Authors@Google: Dan Ariely
YouTube - Authors@Google: Eric Ripert
YouTube - Authors@google: Sam Gosling
Other than the two I embedded above, I particularly recommend Neal Stephenson, Cory Doctorow (all three), Charlie Stross, Randall Munroe (I hope y'all are reading XKCD), Marco Pierre White, and Anthony Bourdain.

The Woz one is amazing, but the audio and video quality are crap. It's worth it if you're into that geek history thing, but it might irritate you too much.

Anyway, I know my audience, y'all are probably going to waste as much time as I have... or at least proportionally.