Monday, June 01, 2009

And that's a LIGHT week

46 meetings scheduled this week, and that's after canceling and rejecting 12 this morning. By tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday will look like Monday and Tuesday.

Amazingly enough though, this is a light week. So far, I don't have anything scheduled between 4 and 6 pm on any day. I usually have meetings 'til six. The ones two, or god help me three entries wide in a single column are where I'm double or triple booked.

Of course, as time goes on, people will fill in those holes, and I'll have emergency drop ins added to this as well. Again, this is after canceling and rejecting every meeting I can.

By the by, my hours are supposed to be 8 to 5 with a one hour lunch break; and we have an absolute zero overtime policy.

Can somebody tell me when I'm supposed to get some actual work done?