Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So I got a call last night..

And it was a political poll. I've done these a few times (2004 presidential election, a couple of state issues), and I don't mind taking the time to give the politicos some answers from an educated voter.

Anyway, don't be surprised to see some nuclear power related legislation soon.

The questions I got, for about a half hour, were all basic variants on the same four:

1. Do you have a very favorable, moderately favorable, moderately unfavorable, very unfavorable view of

a. Nuclear generated electricty
b. Coal generates electricity
c. Natural gas generated electricy
d. Oil generated electricity

2. If a major power plant was built in your area, which type would you prefer

a. Nuclear power plant
b. Coal power plant
c. Natural gas power plant
d. Oil powerplant

3. Which type of power do you feel is safer/cleaner/more independent of foreign sources etc...

a. Nuclear generated electricty
b. Coal generates electricity
c. Natural gas generated electricy
d. Oil generated electricity

They would then tell me certain facts about the various power types, and ask me basically the same questions again, in a slightly different way and a different order with a different order of answers in the multiple choice sections.

4. They would then ask if given this information I had a much more favorable, somewhat more favorable, somewhat less favorable, much less favorable opinion of

a. Nuclear generated electricty
b. Coal generates electricity
c. Natural gas generated electricy
d. Oil generated electricity

Of course none of the information they repeated changed my opinion at all, since I knew quite a lot more about the subject than the pollster... in fact I'd assume I know more about it than the person writing the poll; and likely the people voting on any legislation.

The fact is, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be generating ALL our electricity in this country with Nuclear power, except for enviro-loonies. There is almost no reason to use coal, nat-gas, or petrolueum, which would be better put to use other ways.

I can almsot guarantee you that before I die, we'll be better than 80% nuclear in this country, and Japan and France are already most of the way there.