Thursday, April 27, 2006

Now that I are the age I are...

It's sure my death will not be far



Yay, I have survived one more of earths rotational periods; and without significant injury I might add.

Things are actually a fair bit better then they were last year on a personal front, in that I have a wife and kids now and they are excellent. Unfrotauntely they are worse with my mother and brother, but other than that things are mostly the same.

Here's what I wrote last year: Another Year, another YEARGH!!!!

Funny coincidence, this time last year I had just had my first day in a new job. This year I should be getting a formal job offer this day.

Even funnier, I had an interview today right down the street from the place I started working at a year ago; and so I stopped in to say hi. John OC works there (I hired him, used to be his boss)... Things are pretty much the same as they were a year ago; which isn't really a good thing.

Anyway I'm here, I'm alive, I'm mostly healthy, I have a great wife and kids, and I live in a great house. Sure things are rough financially, and with my mother and brother, but on balance, I'm happy, and I'm grateful for what I've got.

Thank you, whoever and whatever you are, for giving me a shot at doing this right for another year.

Oh and thank all of you guys for reading.