This time I blistered the crap out of my feet.
The kids let the dog run loose out the front door without his leash on. Of course this is before his walk for the day, so he's ALL about bounding down the road; and I'm already outside, with my shoes off, so I take off after him.
Only I didn't take into account the fact that even though the temp is only 80, on the blacktop it's more like twice that. Thing is I didn't even feel it, because I've got some decent callouses.
Only not decent enough for the nice burnination.
Plus I had walked a mile last night in uncomfortable shoes I hadnt worn in three years, so my feet were already a little banged up.
Anyway, by the time I caught up with him, got him on the leash, and got him home (about 1/4 mile later) I had quite nicely managed to blister up the soles of my feet.
And I'm completely out of moleskin.
Oh well, at least I have a valid excuse for stayin in bed now...