A bit crowded, a bit messy; not very efficient etc...
Well, over the past few weeks, I've built a second workbench for the gun room (and two for the shed that I haven't built yet, that are currently taking up half my car port).
But that wasn't enough... so a couple days ago, I built a powder hutch
But that wasn't enough... so this morning, I grabbed this riser and cabinet set on sale for $50 (I was going to build one anyway, this saved me some time and money).
and now... well, it's still not enough, but it's a ell of a lot better, and it looks like this:

...and from the other side (the blurred out bit is a wooden cut of my ham call sign):

Most of my frequently used small tools are now within easy reach on the pegboard; the rest are either in drawers under one of the benchtops, or in the rollaway which is about three feet to the left of my chairs position.
Immediately to the left is my ammo storage rack, a six foot five shelf black wire shelving unit. Theres about four feet of space behind my chair position and then a four foot long table, with a "love seat" (which is actually the third row bench from my truck, which we never use) next to it against the wall and two more sets of blackwire shelves the same size and configuration as the ammo shelves; for general storage; one of which has the short end of the table pressed against it.
The whole thing makes a wraparound J from the ammo shelf on one wall, around the benches and love seat, into the rear shelving, and then hooking out with the table. Basically theres a work surface and storage space accessible from every seating position in the room.
I'd get pictures of the rest, but the place is a bit of a mess at the moment. I still havent re-built it form when we destroyed it before and after the Texas trip.
So, still not done... but better.
Oh and the large empty space behind the press and powder measure on the left side of the bench? Yeah pretty soon that press and measure will be gone, replaced with a progressive press. I'm going to build a small portable bench for the other press and measure so that JohnOC can load at home (technically it's his press and measure. I sold them to him like two years ago; but he doesn't have a home workshop space).
I should note, this is just my small project, gunsmithing, and reloading bench. My woodworking area (excepting the scroll saw; which is for fine work) is two 3'x4' flat top heavy work benches, built to te same height as my tablesaw.