Yay, no more medium hammers.
Small ones... but not medium ones.
Honestly, I'm feeling a heck of a lot better today. Still pretty weak and achy, particularly in the joints; but a lot better than yesterday. Also, the nausea is gone.
Part of that may be I was finally able to get a little sleep. A whole uninterrupted six hours last night, which is more than I've been getting for the past few months.
I'm still a little fuzzy and off mentally, and I still zoned out a few times today; but I was much more awake and alert than I have been. I've had a reasonable attention span as well.
The downside, I actually kinda passed out for a nap in the middle of the day; and my temperature regulation is awful. My fingers and toes feel like they're freezing off, and I'm wrapped up in a blanket at 70 degrees.
Now, the numbers for the day:
Date Time HR D Dose
9/16/2012 10:00 68 0 620
9/16/2012 10:00 68 2 40
9/16/2012 10:00 68 3 8
9/16/2012 10:00 68 6 2.8
9/16/2012 10:00 68 12 1.3
9/16/2012 14:00 72 0 580
9/16/2012 10:00 68 6 2.8
9/16/2012 10:00 68 12 1.3
9/16/2012 14:00 72 0 580
9/16/2012 14:00 72 2 38
9/16/2012 14:00 72 3 7
9/16/2012 14:00 72 6 2.5
9/16/2012 14:00 72 12 1.1
9/16/2012 18:00 76 0 540
9/16/2012 18:00 76 2 26
9/16/2012 18:00 76 3 8
9/16/2012 18:00 76 6 2
9/16/2012 18:00 76 12 1.2
9/16/2012 22:00 80 0 515
9/16/2012 22:00 80 2 21
9/16/2012 22:00 80 3 7
9/16/2012 22:00 80 6 2
9/16/2012 22:00 80 12 1.1
You'll note, the slope of change has shallowed dramatically; both hourly, and the 24hr day over day:
Distance -- 9/13 ------ 9/14 ----- 9/15 ----- 9/16
0 >1000 >1000 790 580
2 >1000 240 70 38
3 800 40 15 7
6 600 22 5.3 2.5
12 480 9 2.4 1.1
My wife still can't sit with me, but there's no problem being in the same room with me or sitting NEAR me, all day long. We let the doggies in for a few minutes... Kinda hard to keep them from licking me.
I'm getting VERY tired of sitting/laying on a couch, watching reruns... but hey, it's better than... you know... dying and stuff.
Irrelevant Geeky Sidebar:
Actually, the wife and I have been using this whole thing, from pre-surgery 'til today; as an opportunity to watch the entire new run of Doctor Who (from the 9th Doctor on).
We had seen the 9th doctor (the first new series), but never picked up the 10th, because it was being played inconsistently in the U.S. As of today, we're up to the middle of series 3.
I still prefer Christopher Ecclestone. I know that's an unpopular choice, but I like his performance and his personality better than David Tennant (who I still thing is GREAT. Funny, charming, ALIVE as hell). Though surprisingly, they both beat my previous favorite, Tom Baker (my first Doctor, from PBS showings in the early 80s); which I thought was impossible.
After we finish Dr. Who, we're going to do Torchwood; which, again, we haven't watched at all. Maybe Warehouse 13 as well.
When she's not watching with me, I'm using the time to read/re-read some long series I haven't read in a while, to catch up on long podcasts, and to watch "24" from the beginning. I was living in Ireland when the show premiered, and I hate coming into a show in the middle of its run, so I never watched it.
I think I'll watch "lost" after I finish up "24"; and pick up season 3 and later of "Eureka".
Thank god for netflix.