The Random Mumblings of a Disgruntled Muscular Minarchist
Igitur qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum
Sunday, May 06, 2007
A Light In The Darkness
Just a neat little effect created by taking a tightly focuses picture of an indirect shaded floodlight in my living room. I used the shortest possible exposure that my camera is capable of (1/4000th), with the widest aperture the lens is capable of when zoomed to 135mm (f5.6), and with the sensitivity set to ISO 1600.
You can see some of the noise from going up to 1600; but I think it adds nicely to the effect. Unfortunately bloggers image compression adds a ton of noise and pixelation; but click the pic and you'll get an 800x600 version direct from my web site (still there are some JPG artifacts, but I'm not putting an uncompressed image up).